Excellence in Land Management


The administration of land management is an integral part of any energy project. Without capable negotiators, properly drafted contracts, or accurate information on which to base your decisions, your project will fail before it even begins. Each energy project is different and the nuances between your prospects will require a knowledgeable land broker. Emland is an all encompassing land services company that combines the best of recent technological advances with seasoned, knowledgeable professionals.  We believe our reliably detailed and precise work product to be incomparable. We hold that belief because we know that our processes are the most efficient and that our people possess not only the experience and ability to achieve desired results but the integrity to do so with respect for your standards, time, and budget. We will always provide an honest assessment of your project. We do not solicit, nor will we accept, work contracts unless we are certain that we can deliver a product with unparalleled excellence.

Emland is excellence.



We offer both Project and Data Management services.  Due to the multitude of phases within the administration of land, from inception to production and beyond, competent land managers must be dynamic. We seek, and continue to work, only with those Landmen who possess varied skill sets and substantial experience. Whether providing oversight on an entire project or solely as a vendor on a singular aspect, we take pride in our ability to efficiently and effectively execute the job for which we are contracted.


Title and curative research may not possess the excitement found in other areas, but they are equally important to operations. Diligent and exhaustive research is paramount to materializing the vision for your project. While there are undoubtedly many complicated and diverse issues presented during the research stages, the process itself is simple in nature. Too often there are linguistic misinterpretations, informational omissions, cut corners, and on goes the list of contributions to poorly executed research. In addition to their exemplary methods, our title agents commit themselves to thinking critically about the variable risks present in your project in order to offer options for resolution.


Acquisitions tend to have a certain amount of fragility and tension within them. Whether it be leasehold, producing properties, pipelines, or any other asset, a foundational knowledge of the macro- & micro-economics surrounding the targeted asset is required in order to execute with precision. Whether it’s compiling and analyzing data prior to contact with asset owners or simply negotiating a lease or right of way, working with those who have the experience to navigate the acquisition roadmap and the integrity to do so honestly provides peace of mind during a potentially tenuous process.  We can provide the data to enhance your negotiating position, in addition to offering strategic analysis which will bring far more certainty to you and thus to the odds of closing. 

Mapping & Video

Projects of all sizes require the visual aid of maps. Not only are they needed in order to track progress, they assist in prioritizing workflow, illustrating progress to others, verifying acreage, and more. Our experienced mapping professionals use the latest and most accurate software to ensure proper location, tract shape, and size of the lands we manage in concert with you.  In addition to those traditional mapping services, Emland offers aerial photography and video to give you a unique and proprietary illustration of the tracts comprising your project.  The imaging we create for you can inform of potential obstacles you may face on the ground, aid in developing the most appropriate route, reveal how best to draw units or place equipment, and more.


Since the nineteenth century landmen have met with lessors in their home and had honest conversations with their families around the kitchen table. It was the most effective way to obtain a lease then and it’s the most effective way to do so now. Some processes are irreplaceable, while others are met with undeniable technological advancements. The trick is melding the two. We attempt to utilize pertinent technological offerings that assist in efficiency without sacrificing efficacy.  By employing only the best and most sensible aspects of vast online data resources, the research aspect of land management can be wildly more efficient than it was 10 years ago. However, an unfocused approach to those resources eventually leads to more questions being raised than answers discovered; the inverse of our job.

The carefully curated contractors that we have put together within Emland boast a combined experience that far exceeds 100 years, which means we have borne witness to the traditional ways in which our business was executed in decades past, the technologically driven changes that have led to the present day, and the many ways in which land can be mismanaged.  In fact, mismanagement of land in all aspects is why we started this company.  Having worked with various brokers over the years we noticed that all of them had excellent qualities within the business they conducted and without fail, all of them had unnecessary inefficiencies.  From improperly training subcontractors to confusing and dynamic procedures regarding workflow, format, and function we have seen first-hand the contributions an unfocused approach has in the demise of a field land brokerage.  We’ve also had the privilege of witnessing brokers who thrive in the field based on their ability to communicate, set standards, and instill diligence in those with whom they work, be it a subcontractor or a client.  However, even those successful land brokers have inefficiencies within their ranks.  We know how land should be managed because not only have we done this for decades but because we continue to build on the breadth and depth of knowledge that we acquired in that time period.  Combine our quality subcontractors to whom we pay very competitive rates, with our streamlined procedures and you’ll find the resulting product to be both exhaustive in its comprehension and digestible to you so as to efficiently inform you of the most significant operational and legal challenges.   Put simply, we can do it better and we want to prove that to you.


Land work is completed in three different, but attractive ways; properly, efficiently, and cheaply. You can choose two. All phases of land management will provide choices both easy and difficult. Typically when your scale weighing time and money starts to show an imbalance, the decisions become increasingly difficult. With the changing financial landscape of energy production, the wrong choice might mean the dissolution of a company. We started Emland because despite the ever-present complication and nuance in land management, at its core it is straightforward.  Do the research accurately, inform you of potential risk exposure, obtain the rights needed to complete your process, cure any errors or defects, and hand it back to you.  We can provide the most technologically advanced processes, the most time-honored processes, a combination of the two, or any other land management product you desire because we’ve witnessed the changes and refined their usage in our associates over century long combined experience. We started during a time when land had not changed at all and we’ve seen nearly every aspect of it change since.  No matter your preferred format and desired execution of your vision, rest assured that the quality of that execution and our desire to see you succeed will never change.  Your success is our success. Our Mission is to provide our clients with services that are unparalleled in their excellence, because Emland is excellence.


  • Managing Member

    Born and raised in Houston, Texas, Nick attended college at UT San Antonio, before setting down roots in the Alamo city. He has over 12 years experience including work across all major basins within and adjoining Texas and has performed every landman duty from data entry and document collection to prospect generation, negotiating acquisitions, and more. His primary focus at Emland is managing the workflow pipeline to meet client’s deadlines as well as formulating products at their request and working with subcontractors to ensure accuracy and quality.


If you are interested in discussing potential collaboration with Emland, either as a client, subcontractor, or mineral owner, please leave your contact info and a brief introduction. We are also reachable by phone or email with the information below. You can expect to hear from our office no later than the following business day. Thanks for visiting.


(210) 718-2241